Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Go Ask Alice... wait, is she on X? Or Special K? or Alice DeeJay

Svengali in the back. Babe of beauty and hopefully vocal skills in the front. This is the formula for.. well, a hell of a lot of pop music. 

"Who Needs Guitars Anyway?" was a 1999 cd, with DJ Jurgen (we'll see him again later) and Alice. Alice, is a a particularly attractive young lady, who after her time in techno, became part of a Dutch reality celebrity making show. So maybe Alice Deejay didn't set the world aflame.

However, at least one of the songs lasted. You've heard it. And if you haven't seen the video, well.. WELCOME TO DUTCH PEOPLE BEING INDIAN AND MANIPULATING SOME DUDE IN THE DESERT! 

"Who Needs Guitars Anyway?" is a fun little CD. A bit of techno history and pop ephemera, but worth a listen, if not a must have in the collection. A solid 3 out of 5, which if you like your techno, is replayable, worth grabbing for mixes, and occasionally wondering just what drugs they were on, and if not.. WHY WEREN'T THEY?

Artist: Alice Deejay       

Album: "Who Needs Guitars Anyway?" 
Year: 1999
Date Listened in Tour: 7/25/08
Rating: ***
Best Songs: "Better Off Alone."