Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Something’s inside. It might be on Fire, it might be a parasite, but I like it.

One of the nice things about being into music, but not living in it, is seeing bands, liking them, but being able to ignore most hype and possible bullshit surrounding them. 

As well as the full on devotion of their fan armies. 

AFI, or A Fire Inside, are a band I’d heard bits of, but never really heard. I knew some people dug them, didn’t know why. Then I think I saw them on the American Music Awards.. some where on TV they didn’t quite belong.

And they genuinely rawked. At least a bit.

Do I have a yen for Goth? Uhm.. have you seen the amount of black I own beyond what I need to work?
Do you know the preponderance of Goth chicks I have whirled around like a black moth to a dark flame?
And add in a little pop sugar, cyanide or aspartame if you want it a little poisonous, and oh mi god!
Are you ready to see how much I dig Evanesence when I get around to them?

A.F.I’s music has an energy that can’t be denied, and they work the fan base like few do. They take themselves just seriously enough, because they know there are people who need to take them way more seriously.

Am I converted? No. I haven’t grabbed more of their albums since I got these two. But if you are looking for a little meat ib your emo, I recommend them. If you are looking for a safe cult to be part… you could do worse. AFI won’t take all your money and tell you to leave your family.

 I gave both CD’s three stars originally, because while, good, I just don’t see my self re-listening to them much. And that is the key to the Grand Tour’s ratings. It’s not just how good an album is… it’s the odds of me having a sudden yen to put it on again and play through. Having replayed AFI while writing this..  no. They’re there, they’re good, they got some great longing in their lyrics, but I guess they just don’t reach the “eternal teenager suffering for the girl with too much eyeliner” in me as much as they do other folks.

Artist: AFI
Album:Sing The Sorrow
Year: 2003
Date Listened in Tour:7/16/07
Rating: ***
Best Song: Silver and Cold

Album:December Underground
Year: 2006
Date Listened in Tour:7/17/07
Rating: ***
Best Song: Prelude 12/21

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