Well, at least starting to write about them. I'll probably get this post up by the 6th. BUT DARE TO DREAM!
The Rejects first appeared to me on MTV, with the delightful 'Swing, Swing.' This was from their eponymous first CD. ( And as per the Grand Tour Drinking Game Rules, every time I write 'eponymous'... DRINK!) Clearly, a nice bit of pop rock, Blink-182 meets Emo, but actually rocking. And of course, there was the immediate fangirl swooning over Tyson Ritter.
But the band grew legs. They kept going, and continually put out solid music. AAR was a group I might not have searched out, but swinging by the new disc racks at the Best Buy or catching a new tune on radio ( oh, radio it's true. Someone still loves you, but I just miss you while playing Pandora.) I'd be happy to see them, and would pick 'em up.
The follow up 2005's 'Move Along' featured this little ditty, 'Dirty Little Secrets.' The secrets video gave a nice shout out to postsecret.com. You haven't gone since the video? Go. People are still just as conflicted, torn, and fucked up. Maybe more so. Only judge every fourth post when you do.
With 2008, 'When The World Come Down' came out. This one featured the full 2nd 'Best Buy Exclusive' cd. Maybe a bit much, but what the hey? Fun with bad relationships continues,and the band continues to have a sense of humor. Important for alt/indie gone corporate rock: don't take yourselves to seriously.
A good example was the song, 'Gives You Hell.' You may have heard them on 'Glee' but don't hold that against them.
I recommend them. They may not be a necessary part of any collection, they are solid American rock with heart, and a band that deserves to keep on going. I'll be picking up their 2012 'Kids In The Street' and do a follow up then.
Happy Independence Day, and remember: Let the pros do the fireworks. I mean, the ones that go boom in the sky. If you are at bbq and your friends are going through emotional fireworks, sit back, watch and imagine the heartfelt, rocking tune the All-American Rejects would make out of it.
I gave all their albums 4 stars. Playable and re-playable, good to mine for mixes and parties, and just all over rocking.
Artist: The All-American Rejects
Album: The All-American Rejects
Year: 2003
Date Listened in Tour: 7/23/2008
Rating: ****
Best Songs: 'Swing, Swing', 'My Paper Heart'
Album: Move Along
Year: 2005
Date Listened in Tour: 7/24/2008
Rating: ****
Best Songs: 'Move Along','Dirty Little Secret'
Album: When The World Comes Down
Year: 2010
Date Listened in Tour: 1/29/2009
Rating: ****
Best Songs: 'Give You Hell', 'Another Heart Calls'
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